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Computer Question Bank
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Ms Excel:Selecting the Column G & H then choose Insert->ColumnWhat will happen?
  1. 2 Columns will be inserted after Column F
  2. 2 Columns will be inserted after Column G
  3. 2 Columns will be inserted after Column H
  4. 2 Columns will be inserted after Column I

Q2. The first Macintosh computer was from

  1. First generation
  2. Second generation
  3. Third generation
  4. Fourth generation
Correct Answer

Q3. A page fault occurs when

  1. the Deadlock happens
  2. the Segmentation starts
  3. the page is found in the memory
  4. the page is not found in the memory
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms PowerPoint:The spelling dialog box can be involved by choosing spelling from ________ menu.

  1. Insert
  2. File
  3. Tools
  4. View
Correct Answer

Q5. What is the size of Host bits in Class B of IP address?

  1. 04
  2. 08
  3. 16
  4. 32
Correct Answer

Q6. The command refreshes the screen and places the cursor at the top left corner of screen

  1. CLS
  2. Clear
  3. Dir
  4. CHKDSK You can find online quiz and pdf download of these operating system mcq questions. Please visit the Quiz and Download menu abov
Correct Answer

Q7. High level language is also called

  1. Problem oriented language
  2. Business oriented language
  3. Mathematically oriented language
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms PowerPoint:In normal view, how can you quickly change to handout master view?

  1. Click the outline tab and select handout master view
  2. Press the shift key and click the handout master view button
  3. On the view menu, click slide sorter, and click handouts.
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Excel:You can open the Sort dialog box by choosing Sort from the ….. menu

  1. View
  2. Format
  3. Tools
  4. Data
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Word: Which of the following command is not available in Tools menu?

  1. Auto text
  2. Autocorrect
  3. Auto summarize
  4. Macro
Correct Answer

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