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Computer Question Bank
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Which of the following separates primary file and extension is
  1. Dot
  2. Period
  3. Point
  4. All of the above

Q2. Ms Access: In Access 2007, to set a table to open as a document tab, you need to go to the ____.

  1. Microsoft Office button
  2. Navigation Pane
  3. Quick Access toolbar
  4. Database Tools command tab
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Access: The size of Yes No field is always

  1. 1 bit
  2. 1 byte
  3. 1 character
  4. 1 GB
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Access: Which of the following database object produces the final result to present?

  1. Forms
  2. Reports
  3. Queries
  4. Tables
Correct Answer

Q5. QWERTY keyboard layout was originally designed

  1. To improve the typing speed
  2. To make typing more efficient
  3. To make typing harder and inefficient
  4. To improve the typing accuracy
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Word: You wished to justify text over the height of paper, which option will you choose

  1. Page Setup from File menu
  2. Paragraph from Format menu
  3. From formatting toolbar
  4. Font from Format menu
Correct Answer

Q7. The command fixes the minor errors of the disk

  1. Error.fix
  2. Scandisk
  3. CHKDSK/f
  4. Defrag
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms Word: A word processor would most likely be used to do

  1. keep an account of money spent
  2. do a computer search in media center
  3. maintain an inventory
  4. type a biography
Correct Answer

Q9. Seek time is

  1. time to position the head over proper track
  2. time to position the head over proper sector
  3. time to position the head over proper cylinder
  4. none of above
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Word: What would you do when you want to update the data in an embedded worksheet range?

  1. double click the worksheet range object
  2. right click worksheet range object & choose format object
  3. edit the data in the destination document
  4. edit the data in the source document.
Correct Answer

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