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English Question Bank
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Find the synonym of the following words written in capitals. ***** The professor’s INTRODUCTORY remarks concerned the development of culture in that region.
  1. preliminary
  2. final
  3. next
  4. supplementary
  5. useful

Q2. The best student in each class will ______ a prize at the end of term.

  1. catch
  2. receive
  3. possess
  4. prove
  5. reward
Correct Answer

Q3. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I heard that

  1. we were having sandwiches for lunch
  2. the electricity bill had arrived
  3. I had won a million dollars in the lottery
Correct Answer

Q4. There is real concern that food supplies will not be ________ to feed the increasing world population.

  1. sufficient
  2. satisfactory
  3. equal
  4. measured
  5. effective
Correct Answer

Q5. What’s the time? B: I’m sorry I ______. My watch ______.

  1. had felt
  2. didn’t know / stopped
  3. don’t know / has stopped
  4. don’t know / had stopped
Correct Answer

Q6. When she got the promotion, she started to look ______ on the people she used to work with.

  1. up
  2. for
  3. down
Correct Answer

Q7. Tell your kids to steer clear of that dog. I was told that

  1. it bites people
  2. it wags its tail
  3. it loves children
Correct Answer

Q8. The decision has already been taken, so there's no point in your ……… .

  1. giving a tickle
  2. taking the biscuit
  3. being tickled pink
  4. arguing the toss
Correct Answer

Q9. My wife ______ a squirrel on her way to work this morning.

  1. ran over
  2. ran up
  3. ran out of
  4. ran off
Correct Answer

Q10. Find the synonym of the following words written in capitals. ***** Doctor Manson CURED a lot of miners that’s why he won great popularity and respect with them.

  1. treated
  2. recovered
  3. gave
  4. took
  5. rescued
Correct Answer

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