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Computer Question Bank
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Ms Access: Cascade delete option
  1. is used to delete all the records of all tables in a database
  2. will repeat the recent delete operation to all the records of current table
  3. is available in Edit relationship dialog box which makes sure that all the related records will be deleted automatically when the record from parent table is deleted
  4. None of above

Q2. Ms Access: If you need a calculation in an unbound control, you can create a custom _____.

  1. string
  2. expression
  3. relationship
  4. syntax
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Excel:In Excel, by default Numeric Values appears in

  1. Left aligned
  2. Right aligned
  3. Center aligned
  4. Justify aligned
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Access: Database access levels are specified so as to define who can access what in a databas

  1. It is identified through
  2. User id
  3. Password
  4. Status
  5. None of above
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Word: Which of the following is used to create newspaper style columns?

  1. Format Tabs
  2. Table Insert Table
  3. Insert Textbox
  4. Format Columns
Correct Answer

Q6. The ...operating system was initially created in the early 1970s at AT and T's Bell Labs

  1. Linux
  2. DOS
  3. Unix
  4. GNU
Correct Answer

Q7. Which of the following printing devices an output composed of a series of data?

  1. Wire matrix printer
  2. Band printer
  3. Wang image printer
  4. Both a and c
Correct Answer

Q8. What is the size of Source and Destination IP address in IP header?

  1. 4 bits
  2. 8 bits
  3. 16 bits
  4. 32 bits
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Word: Tabs stop position cannot be the following alignment

  1. Decimal Alignment
  2. Center Alignment
  3. Bar Alignment
  4. Justify Alignment
Correct Answer

Q10. Which part of the computer is used for calculating and comparing?

  1. Disk unit
  2. Control unit
  3. ALU
  4. Modem
Correct Answer

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