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English Question Bank
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Even though Lucas had been bullying the new kid since the beginning of the year, Lucas shed his (crocodile tears) after the principal caught him and threatened him with suspension.
  1. This means that Lucas genuinely feels sorry for his actions.
  2. This means that Lucas display of sorrow was insincere.
  3. This means that Lucas was afraid of the principal.
  4. This means that Lucas was afraid of the new kid.

Q2. His parents ______ married for eight years when he was born.

  1. have been
  2. will be
  3. had been
  4. were
Correct Answer

Q3. By the way, I’ve just heard that Sally and Chris have ______ their engagement.

  1. broken into
  2. broken down
  3. broken away
  4. broken up
Correct Answer

Q4. To inherit money is the same as to ______ into money.

  1. come
  2. move
  3. keep
Correct Answer

Q5. When she got the promotion, she started to look ______ on the people she used to work with.

  1. up
  2. for
  3. down
Correct Answer

Q6. Find the synonym of the following words written in capitals. -It was the voice of a born ORATOR.

  1. addressee
  2. speaker
  3. talker
  4. order
Correct Answer

Q7. Find the synonym of the following words written in capitals. ***** What DIARY PRODUCTS do you like to eat?

  1. creamery
  2. meals
  3. animal
  4. first course
  5. desserts
Correct Answer

Q8. She is very well-paid, so she can get ______ without any help from him.

  1. about
  2. over
  3. by
Correct Answer

Q9. Scientists will break ______ in their search for new sources of energy.

  1. up
  2. through
  3. out
Correct Answer

Q10. Mr Jones gave us ……… about losing our match against Gorzow.

  1. cane
  2. rod
  3. stick
  4. log
Correct Answer

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