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Computer Question Bank
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Which components appear in the initial windows start up display?
  1. Dialog box
  2. Task bar
  3. Start menu
  4. All of the above

Q2. The ..... program compresses large files into a smaller file

  1. WinZip
  2. WinShrink
  3. WinStyle
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q3. A number system that has eight different symbols to represent any quantity is known as

  1. Binary
  2. Octal
  3. Decimal
  4. Hexadecimal
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms PowerPoint: Which of the following are types of sound files?

  1. LOG files
  2. DAT files
  3. WAV files
  4. DRV files
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Excel:To copy formatting from one area in a worksheet and apply it to another area you would use:

  1. The Edit>Copy Format and Edit>Paste Format commands form the menu.
  2. The Copy and Apply Formatting dialog box, located under the Format>Copy and Apply menu.
  3. There is no way to copy and apply formatting in Excel – You have to do it manually
  4. The Format Painter button on the standard toolbar
Correct Answer

Q6. Which of the following concept is best to preventing page faults?

  1. Paging
  2. The working set
  3. Hit ratios
  4. Address location resolution
Correct Answer

Q7. What is Dr. Watson?

  1. IT Expert
  2. Diagnosis tool
  3. Surgeon
  4. None
Correct Answer

Q8. The terminal device that functions as a cash register, computer terminal, and OCR reader is the:

  1. Data collection terminal
  2. OCR register terminal
  3. Video Display terminal
  4. POS terminal
Correct Answer

Q9. Which of the following is a disk compression tool?

  1. Drive space
  2. Scandisk
  3. Defragmenter
  4. None of the above
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Access: You can set a controls border type to make the border invisibl

  1. Transparent
  2. Invisible
  3. Do not display
  4. No border
Correct Answer

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