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Computer Question Bank
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Ms Access: Which is not an option for Filter on a text field?
  1. Begins With
  2. Between
  3. Contains
  4. End With

Q2. Use of icons and windows are characteristics of …… interface

  1. Command driven
  2. Windows orientated
  3. Graphical user
  4. Menu driven
Correct Answer

Q3. Which of the following term means to reckon?

  1. putare
  2. com
  3. computa
  4. computar
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Excel:How do you display current date and time in MS Excel?

  1. date ()
  2. Today ()
  3. now ()
  4. time ()
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Word: Change the _____ to create a document in wide format

  1. Page Orientation
  2. Page margins
  3. Paper Style
  4. Paper Source
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Word: Which operation you will perform if you need to move a block of text?

  1. Copy and Paste
  2. Cut and Paste
  3. Paste and Delete
  4. Paste and Cut
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms PowerPoint:special effects used to introduce slides in a presentation are called

  1. effects
  2. custom animations
  3. transitions
  4. present animations
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms Word: To autofit the width of column

  1. Double click the right border of column
  2. Double click the left border of column
  3. Double click the column header
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Access: Which of the following database object hold data?

  1. Forms
  2. Reports
  3. Queries
  4. Tables
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Word: Which key deletes the character to the right of the cursor?

  1. End
  2. Backspace
  3. Home
  4. Delete
Correct Answer

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