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Ms PowerPoint:Which file format can be added to a PowerPoint show?
  1. .jpg
  2. .gif
  3. .wav
  4. All of the above Enjoy preparing your competitive exams with these MS PowerPoint MCQ Questions with answers!

Q2. Which of the following is not an XT microprocessor?

  1. 8006
  2. 8086
  3. 8088
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q3. IBM 1401 computer was

  1. Mainframe Computer
  2. Mini Computers
  3. Micro Computers
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q4. Which of the following concept is best to preventing page faults?

  1. Paging
  2. The working set
  3. Hit ratios
  4. Address location resolution
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Excel:You accidentally erased a record in the sheeWhat command can be used to restore it immediately?

  1. Insert
  2. Copy
  3. Undo
  4. Replace
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms PowerPoint:How do you create speaker note pages that show the slides, related notes, and your company logo on each page?

  1. Edit the notes master and add your company logy
  2. Edit the slide master and insert your company logo and notes pane
  3. Edit the handout master to include your company logo and one slide per page with additional note space
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q7. Why ABC computer is called so?

  1. Because it was developed by Atanasoff and Berry
  2. Because it was thought to be the first computer so named with first alphabets of English
  3. Both of above are the reason to name the computer ABC
  4. None of above are true
Correct Answer

Q8. How many numbers could ENIAC store in its internal memory

  1. 100
  2. 20
  3. 80
  4. 40
Correct Answer

Q9. Which of the following file format supports in Windows 7?

  1. NTFS
  2. BSD
  3. EXT
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Excel:A function inside another function is called a ….. function.

  1. Nested
  2. Round
  3. Sum
  4. Text
Correct Answer

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