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Computer Question Bank
for Exam preparation

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  1. Works best with many small partitions
  2. Allows many programs to use memory simultaneously
  3. Allows each program in turn to use the memory
  4. Does not work with overlaying

Q2. Ms Word: “Ctrl + Right Arrow” is used to

  1. Moves the cursor one word right
  2. Moves the cursor end of the line
  3. Moves the cursor end of the document
  4. Moves the cursor one Paragraph down
Correct Answer

Q3. The two kinds of input devices – direct input and indirect input devices are classified based on

  1. Whether the data conversion is involved or not
  2. Whether the data is acquired from a device directly connected to CPU or through network
  3. Whether the data is directly input or retrieved from disk
  4. Whether the data is input with or without human intervention
Correct Answer

Q4. Which is not application software?

  1. Windows NT
  2. Page Maker
  3. WinWord XP
  4. Photoshop
Correct Answer

Q5. What is the minimum header size of an IP packet?

  1. 16 bytes
  2. 10 bytes
  3. 20 bytes
  4. 32 bytes
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Access: We can remove a relationship defined between two tables by

  1. From Edit menu choose Delete Relationship
  2. Select the relationship line and press Delete
  3. Choose Delete option from Relationship menu
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Word: The file type _____ indicates the file is a Word document.

  1. .msw
  2. .wor
  3. .wrd
  4. .doc
Correct Answer

Q8. Why are vacuum tubes also called valves?

  1. Because they can amplify the weak signals and make them strong
  2. Because they can stop or allow the flow of current
  3. Both of above
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q9. Which of the following is first generation of computer

  1. EDSAC
  2. IBM-1401
  3. CDC-1604
  4. ICL-2900
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms PowerPoint:Shortcut key to insert a hyperlink in a slide

  1. Ctrl + H
  2. Ctrl + K
  3. Hyperlinks can’t be inserted in slides
  4. None of the above
Correct Answer

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