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Computer Question Bank
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Ms Word: Microsoft Office Word is a (n) _____.
  1. area in the computer’s main memory in which Microsoft Office text files are stored temporarily
  2. program included with Windows 2000 that can be used only to create or edit text files, smaller than 64K, that do not require formatting
  3. classified password that prevents unauthorized users from accessing a protected Microsoft Office item or document
  4. full-featured word processing program that can be used to create and revise professional looking documents easily

Q2. ............provides a connection-oriented reliable service for sending messages

  1. TCP
  2. IP
  3. UDP
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms PowerPoint:Which option can be used to create a new slide show with the current slides but presented in a different order?

  1. Rehearsal
  2. Custom Slide show
  3. Slide Show Setup
  4. Slide Show View
Correct Answer

Q4. Save operation means

  1. Put data into processor
  2. Put data into internal memory
  3. Put data into secondary storage
  4. Put data into monitor
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Access: What is the purpose of indexing?

  1. To reduce table size
  2. To speedup data search
  3. both A and B
  4. none of the above
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Access: Which of the following statements about the Label Wizard is NOT true?

  1. Adding groups can help organize the labels.
  2. It helps users to create package labels.
  3. It allows users to select a label type and siz
  4. It allows users to sort the labels.
Correct Answer

Q7. Easily reloctable language is

  1. Machine language
  2. Assembly language
  3. High level language
  4. Medium level language
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms Excel:Comments put in cells are called …..

  1. Smart Tip
  2. Cell Tip
  3. Web Tip
  4. Soft Tip
Correct Answer

Q9. A system is

  1. an integration of different units so as to achieve an objective
  2. input unit
  3. input and output unit
  4. input, output and storage units
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Word: Which would you choose to list Synonyms & Antonyms of a selected word?

  1. Tools, Spelling & Grammar
  2. Tools, Language
  3. Tools, Options
  4. Insert, Cross-reference
Correct Answer

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