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Computer Question Bank
for Exam preparation

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DOS uses a special batch file named?
  1. Autoexec.bat
  2. Autoex.bat
  3. Autoexecut
  4. Auto.bat

Q2. Ms Excel:How can you remove borders applied in cells?

  1. Choose None on Border tab of Format cells
  2. Open the list on Border tool in Formatting toolbar then choose first tool (no border)
  3. Both of above
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Access: Microsoft Access is a

  1. Rdbms
  2. Oodbms
  3. Ordbms
  4. Network database model
Correct Answer

Q4. Which of the following is text browser?

  1. Lynx
  2. Hot Java
  3. Netscape
  4. Internet Explorer
Correct Answer

Q5. In ________ mode, the communication channel is used in both directions at the same time?

  1. Full-duplex
  2. Simplex
  3. Half-duplex
  4. None of the above
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Access: Which leads you through the process of creating a table?

  1. wizard
  2. assistant
  3. relation
  4. coach
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Word: When using the MLA style, position explanatory notes either at the _____.

  1. top of the page as head notes or at the end of the paper as endnotes
  2. bottom of the page as footnotes or at the end of the paper as endnotes
  3. top of the page as head notes or at the beginning of the paper as front notes
  4. bottom of the page as footnotes or at the beginning of the paper as front notes
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms Word: “Ctrl + Backspace” is used to

  1. Delete the single letter just before the cursor
  2. Delete the single letter just after the cursor
  3. Delete the word just before the cursor
  4. Delete the word just after the cursor
Correct Answer

Q9. Which command is not an internal command?

  1. Dir
  2. Edit
  3. CD
  4. CLS
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Excel:How can you print three copies of a workbook?

  1. Select File>Properties form the menu and type 3 in the Copies to print text box.
  2. Select File >Print from the menu and type 3 in the Number of copies text box.
  3. Click the Print button on the standard toolbar to print the document then take it to Kinko’s and have 2 more copies made
  4. Press Ctrl+P+3
Correct Answer

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