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Computer Question Bank
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What was the expected feature of fifth generation computers when Japan started FGCS?
  1. Operating Systems
  2. Paralled Processing
  3. ULSI
  4. None of above

Q2. Which 8-bit chip was used in many of today’s TRS-80 computers?

  1. Z-8000
  2. Motorola 6809
  3. Z-8808
  4. Z-80
Correct Answer

Q3. Basic is ________ language.

  1. a procedural
  2. an object oriented
  3. both A and B
  4. none of the above
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Word: What is the name of the feature that will allow you to take a step backward if you’ve made a mistake?

  1. Redo
  2. Cancel
  3. Undo
  4. Backspace
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms PowerPoint:To change font size of a selected slide title, you:

  1. Click the toolbars Font dropdown arrow and choose the font you prefer
  2. Click Format, Title and choose a font from the font tab
  3. Click the toolbar's Increase Font Size button
  4. Click Title, New Font, OK
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Word: Which keystroke is used for updating a field?

  1. F6
  2. F9
  3. F11
  4. F12
Correct Answer

Q7. The box on …. that allows you to choose where to go and is located below the standard toolbar

  1. System menu
  2. Address bar
  3. Menu bar
  4. None of these
Correct Answer

Q8. What is the maximum header size of an IP packet?

  1. 32 bytes
  2. 64 bytes
  3. 30 bytes
  4. 60 bytes
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Access: Which part of the IIF expression is the action performed if the true condition exists?

  1. inner
  2. first
  3. second
  4. third
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Access: A small button with three dots usually displayed at the right of field properties box

  1. Make button
  2. Expression button
  3. Build button
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

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