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Computer Question Bank
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The word processing task associated with changing the appearance of a document is
  1. Editing
  2. Writing
  3. Formatting
  4. All of above

Q2. Which computer memory is used for storing programs and data currently being processed by the CPU?

  1. Mass memory
  2. Internal memory
  3. Non-volatile memory
  4. PROM
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms PowerPoint:To place something in the same position on every slide of presentation automatically, insert into

  1. Slide master
  2. Notes master
  3. Handout master
  4. None of the above
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms PowerPoint:You can embed a Microsoft Word tale in a slide by

  1. Clicking the insert new slide button on the standard toolbar, then double clicking table
  2. Clicking the insert Microsoft word table button on the formatting toolbar
  3. Clicking the insert Microsoft word table button on the standard toolbar
  4. A and c
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms PowerPoint:What are symbols used to identify items in a list?

  1. Icons
  2. Markers
  3. Bullets
  4. Graphics
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Excel:What is the shortcut key to insert new sheet in current workbook?

  1. F11
  2. Alt + F11
  3. Ctrl + F11
  4. Shift + F11
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Access: In a table to insert User\’s Voice, Data field should be

  1. OLE Object
  2. SoundField
  3. VoiceField
  4. Memo
Correct Answer

Q8. Which one of the following input device is user-programmable?

  1. Dumb terminal
  2. Smart terminal
  3. VDT
  4. Intelligent terminal
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Word: To autofit the width of column

  1. Double click the right border of column
  2. Double click the left border of column
  3. Double click the column header
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q10. Registers, which are partially visible to users and used to hold conditional, are known as

  1. PC
  2. Memory address registers
  3. General purpose register
  4. Flags
Correct Answer

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