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Computer Question Bank
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Signals can be analog or digital and a computer that processes the both type of signals is known as
  1. Analog computer
  2. Digital Computer
  3. Hybrid Computer
  4. Mainframe Computer

Q2. Ms Access: Which of the following creates a drop down list of values to choose from?

  1. Ole object
  2. Hyperlink
  3. Memo
  4. Lookup wizard
Correct Answer

Q3. ______ is most often done after fixing a problem, adding a new program or making configuration change

  1. Shut Down
  2. Restart
  3. Sleep
  4. Hibernate
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Access: To create a table in Access

  1. Database should be created before create table
  2. Table can be created using Table Templates
  3. There must be at least one Primary key in a table
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q5. What is required when more than one person uses a central computer at the same time?

  1. Light pen
  2. Mouse
  3. Digitizer
  4. Terminal
Correct Answer

Q6. Punched cards were first introduced by

  1. Powers
  2. Pascal
  3. Jacquard
  4. Herman Hollerith
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Word: What is the extension of Word files?

  1. FIL
  2. DOT
  3. DOC
  4. TXT
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms PowerPoint:To change font size of a selected slide title, you:

  1. Click the toolbars Font dropdown arrow and choose the font you prefer
  2. Click Format, Title and choose a font from the font tab
  3. Click the toolbar's Increase Font Size button
  4. Click Title, New Font, OK
Correct Answer

Q9. Which is a semi conductor memory?

  1. Dynamic
  2. Static
  3. Bubble
  4. Both a & b
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Access: What is the use of Cascade Delete Option in MS Access?

  1. It makes sure that all the records from the parent table and child table is deleted from selected database
  2. It makes sure that all the related records will be deleted automatically from child table when the records from parent table is deleted
  3. It makes sure that all the related records will be deleted automatically from Parent table when the records from child table is deleted
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

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