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Computer Question Bank
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Ms Excel:A numeric value can be treated as a label value if it precedes with
  1. Apostrophe (&lsquo
  2. Exclamation (!)
  3. Hash (#)
  4. Ampersand (&

Q2. Ms Word: The ability to combine name and addresses with a standard document is called _________

  1. document formatting
  2. database management
  3. mail merge
  4. form letters
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Access: What it is called to present information in a particular order based on numeric or alphabetical value?

  1. Sorting
  2. Searching
  3. Arranging
  4. Cropping
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Access: data items groped together for storage purposes are called a

  1. Record
  2. Title
  3. List
  4. String
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms PowerPoint:Any and every command can be found on the

  1. Drawing toolbar
  2. Formatting toolbar
  3. Standard toolbar
  4. Menu bar
Correct Answer

Q6. Part of the POST process is to ensure that the test of essential peripheral device coincides with the hardware configuration that stored in

  1. ROM
  2. The hard drive
  3. CMOS
  4. Cache Memory
Correct Answer

Q7. What is the suitable output device for CAE, CAD and CAM?

  1. Dot Matrix Printers
  2. Laser Printers
  3. Plotters
  4. Projectors
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms Access: Which of the following is a standard file format language for web documents?

  1. HTML
  2. XML
  3. XSD
  4. XSL
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Excel:If you need to remove only the formatting done in a range (numbers and formula typed there should not be remove

  1. , you must
  2. From Edit menu choose Clear and then Formats
  3. From Edit menu choose Delete
  4. Click on Remove Formatting tool on Standard Toolbar
  5. Double click the Format Painter and then press Esc key in keyboard
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms PowerPoint:Which of the following displays when an image is selected?

  1. Add clip art only if it relates to your topic
  2. Be sure to place at least one clipart image per slide
  3. Resize the image so it takes up as much space as your text
  4. A and b
Correct Answer

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