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English Question Bank
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New students spend the first few days ______ themselves ______ the layout of the university.
  1. calling / out
  2. bringing / about
  3. acquainting / with
  4. carrying / on

Q2. If the police find out it was us who smashed up the window, we'll be in …… .

  1. hot water
  2. the beaten track
  3. a mine of information
  4. the drop of a hat
Correct Answer

Q3. Vivian expected Craig to sob uncontrollably when she broke up with him; however, Craig( kept a stiff upper lip).

  1. Craig cried even more than Vivian had expected.
  2. Craig cried about as much as Vivian had expected.
  3. Craig cried a little less than Vivian had expected.
  4. Craig did not cry.
Correct Answer

Q4. If you say to someone "You're so full of yourself!" they'll probably feel

  1. proud
  2. upset
  3. pleased
Correct Answer

Q5. Lyle chose Marco for his partner, thinking that it would be fun to work with his best friend, but now that the project was due tomorrow and the boys had nothing done, Lyle realized that he should have (hitched his horse to a different wagon).

  1. When one wishes to have chosen different company than one is presently keeping
  2. When one accepts responsibility for one's own involvement in an unfortunate event
  3. When one understands that the only way to solve a problem is through hard work
  4. When one determines that the best course of action is to tell the truth
Correct Answer

Q6. Find the synonym of the following words written in capitals. ***** Everybody PROTESTED to be examined again.

  1. were for
  2. were against
  3. were after
  4. were before
  5. were like
Correct Answer

Q7. The question didn’t come ______ so I was happy.

  1. up
  2. in
  3. down
Correct Answer

Q8. There are about 980 flying mammals referred to as bats. They are the only real flying mammals on Earth. Most bats feed on a diet of insects. Some feed on flowers and fruits, but the most interesting are the vampire bats of the Americas, which suck the blood of large birds and other mammals. Unfortunately, these vampire bats are capable of transmitting rabies and are for this reason considered dangerous. The other types of bats are of no danger to man and are even considered helpers of nature by way of their diet which helps control the insect population in various areas of the world. Although the misunderstood bat has represented fear and terror in the west, it is seen as a sign of good luck and long life in the east. ------------ The majority of the bat population _____.

  1. are vampires.
  2. transmit many illnesses.
  3. feed on a diet of insects.
  4. are dangerous to man.
  5. live in the Americas.
Correct Answer

Q9. Find the synonym of the following words written in capitals. ***** There was something CRUEL in his voice.

  1. strange
  2. severe
  3. funny
  4. fresh
Correct Answer

Q10. If you tell Maria there's a surprise English test today, you won't see her for ……… .

  1. cloud
  2. rain
  3. fog
  4. dust
Correct Answer

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