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Computer Question Bank
for Exam preparation

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A small or intelligent device is so called because it contains within it a
  1. Computer
  2. Microcomputer
  3. Programmable
  4. Sensor

Q2. Ms Excel:Microsoft Excel is a powerful………..

  1. Word processing package
  2. Spreadsheet package
  3. Communication S/W Package
  4. DBMS package
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms PowerPoint:Good design determines

  1. Credibility
  2. Readability
  3. First impression
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q4. How many numbers could ENIAC store in its internal memory

  1. 100
  2. 20
  3. 80
  4. 40
Correct Answer

Q5. Specialized vacuum tube in which images are produced when an electron beam strikes a phosphorescent surface is

  1. CRT
  2. LED
  3. LCD
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Access: The task of arranging data in order is called

  1. Searching
  2. Sorting
  3. Ordering
  4. Shorting
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Excel:An excel workbook is a collection of

  1. Workbooks
  2. Worksheets
  3. Charts
  4. Worksheets and charts
Correct Answer

Q8. Modern Computers are very reliable but they are not

  1. Fast
  2. Powerful
  3. Infallible
  4. Cheap
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Word: Each time the _____ key is pressed, the paragraph formatting in the previous paragraph is carried forward to the next paragrap

  1. enter
  2. shift
  3. ctrl
  4. alt
Correct Answer

Q10. Oncetext has been cut to the clipboard, you can .....that text into another document

  1. Paste
  2. Copy
  3. Transfer
  4. None of the above
Correct Answer

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