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Computer Question Bank
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Ms PowerPoint:Which of the following must be used with the mouse when you want to resize an image from the center and keep it proportioned?
  1. The space bar
  2. The alt key
  3. The ctrl key
  4. The shift key

Q2. Ms Access: The _____ function returns a string that has been converted to uppercase text.

  1. AllCap
  2. UCase
  3. UpCase
  4. Upper
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Excel:If you press …., the cell accepts your typing as its contents.

  1. Enter
  2. Ctrl + Enter
  3. TAB
  4. Insert
Correct Answer

Q4. When you start up the computer the boot up storage at which the BIOS versions manufacturer and data are displayed on the monitor is called

  1. Bootstrap
  2. Power on self test (POST)
  3. System configuration
  4. Kernel loading
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Access: The __________ performs document trackin

  1. distributed application
  2. enterprise software
  3. Oracle software
  4. EDM software
Correct Answer

Q6. A unit that receives information from CPU and converts into suitable human readable form is

  1. Input Unit
  2. Output Unit
  3. Processing Unit
  4. Language Translator
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Access: In table design view, which key can be used to switch between the field names and properties panels?

  1. F3
  2. F4
  3. F5
  4. F6
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms Excel:How to restrict to run a macro automatically when starting Microsoft Excel?

  1. Hold down the SHIFT key during startup
  2. Hold down the CTRL key during startup
  3. Hold down the ESC key during startup
  4. Hold down the ALT key during startup
Correct Answer

Q9. Properly arranged data is called

  1. Field
  2. Words
  3. Information
  4. File
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Excel:A circular reference is

  1. Geometric modeling tool
  2. A cell that points to a drawing object
  3. A formula that either directly or indirectly depends on itself
  4. Always erroneous
Correct Answer

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