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Computer Question Bank
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Ms Word: The shortcut keys for the _____ character formatting are ctrl+ shift+ plus sign.
  1. case of letters
  2. underline words, not spaces
  3. superscript
  4. all capital letters

Q2. Which is the type of memory for information that does not change on your computer?

  1. RAM
  2. ROM
  3. ERAM
  4. RW / RAM
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Access: Which of the following properties identifies the type of information stored in a field?

  1. Data type
  2. Field description
  3. Field name
  4. Field properties
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Word: Which of the following can be used to divide a web page into areas?

  1. frames
  2. theme
  3. table of contents
  4. none of the above
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Excel:What happens when you press Ctrl + X after selecting some cells in Excel?

  1. The cell content of selected cells disappear from cell and stored in clipboard
  2. The cells selected are marked for cutting
  3. The selected cells are deleted and the cells are shifted left
  4. The selected cells are deleted and cells are shifted up
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms PowerPoint:Which of the following toolbars provides different options in various master views?

  1. Common tasks toolbar
  2. Drawing toolbar
  3. Formatting toolbar
  4. Standard toolbar
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Access: The___ operator will cause a record to be selected only if two or more conditions are satisfied

  1. Or
  2. If or
  3. Range
  4. And
Correct Answer

Q8. Which mode loadsminimal set of drivers when starting Windows?

  1. Safe Mode
  2. Normal Mode
  3. VGA Mode
  4. Network Support Mode
Correct Answer

Q9. Identify the odd one

  1. Tracker ball
  2. Microphone
  3. Speaker
  4. Sensors
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Word: Which option enables automatic updates in destination documents?

  1. embedding
  2. objects
  3. links
  4. relationships
Correct Answer

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