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In summary- Personal branding at work

In summary- Personal branding at work
Do you really need a personal brand at work?
You can be surprised how many things form your reputation. It includes your professional skills, communication with colleagues, and even how you rock the office parties.
In other words, your personal brand at work is what your colleagues think about you or how they would describe you. For example, are you a quiet analyst who always does everything well but no one knows about it, or an office superstar who is always in the center of attention?
In the same way, as a company brand contributes to success in the market, building your personal brand at work will bring you success in your career.
So, how do you get started?  The trick is to make your personal brand a fulfilling part of your day-to-day job. Here’s how:

1. Understand your brand’s current state and focus on what you want to be known for.

As individuals, we can learn from the way companies establish their brand equity. We protect our long-term worth by taking stock of what we stand for, our core values, and how we communicate. Starting this process early allows you to build a strong foundation, fine-tune your efforts, and create a meaningful reputation. What’s certain is that every person, no matter what industry they work in, is judged by many factors. How you show up to those around you is one element that defines your personal brand.
You need to identify three things:
A- Your uniqueness:
What unique perspective do you bring to the organization? Think about the vastness of your intersectional identity: your background, culture, race, ethnicity, gender, class, caste, religious beliefs, and so on. Considering these factors, ask yourself: How does my identity impact my understanding of the world and this business? What can I bring to the table that no one else can? Your differences are your superpowers.
B- Your values
What do you stand for? What problems — global, domestic, or at the community-level — concern you? In which causes do you believe? To get inspired, have a look at the UN Global Issues or PWC reports. Climate change, equality, health, human rights, disruption, sustainability — these are just a few examples of causes that may drive your actions or give you a sense of purpose at work.
C- Your contributions
Given your business experience or studies, what can you bring to the table in your industry? For example, perhaps you studied psychology and have insights into human behavior that allows you to offer valuable feedback to marketing teams. Maybe you’re a UX designer who understands how to create more accessible products. Or maybe your talent is analytics, and you know how to tell data-driven stories about why a business strategy is or isn’t working. Whatever your area of expertise, how do you use it to add value to your individual work, team, or field at large?
The combined result of these three elements make up your personal brand.

2. Lay your foundation with a website, an all-star LinkedIn page, and a compelling bio.

Your website is the only place on the internet where you get a 100 percent share of voice without the interference of an algorithm. It’s your personal flagship to the world, but your LinkedIn page is Exhibit B and, in some cases, just as important. Ensure all these branding elements are up-to-date so your personal brand always presents your A-game.

3. Nail your elevator pitch, tell your story, and know how to communicate your wins strategically.

People can’t absorb volumes of information, so focus on the most important thing you want people to know about you. If you don’t, people will happily make up their own narrative. Don’t wait for someone to shine a light on you. Make your own spotlight strategically. If you use your voice to amplify others more than you do yourself, you’ll find that essential balance.

4. Network internally with other departments.

Your organization is a complex map of departments and projects. By learning more about how all the various departments come together to meet business objectives, you’ll be seen as a valuable connector and resource among your peers. Consider collaboration opportunities with other department efforts to help build the brand and perception of both of your respective teams.

5. Volunteer on committees and boards.

Whether internally or externally from your organization, helping out with committee and board work with expose you to new ideas and new business friends. Consider opportunities that will put you in front of industry thought leaders as well as positions that interact directly with your ideal client.

6. Become a captivating speaker and presenter.

People won’t remember a PowerPoint presentation or the statistics you’ve rattled off, but they will remember an engaging story. Understanding and delivering your message tailored to the audience is the goal. If you want to be a strong communicator, showing a strategic bit of your human side will allow the audience to connect with you. When people like the messenger, they listen to the message.

7. Ask questions and contribute with insightful thoughts at meetings.

Turn those boring weekly meetings into an opportunity to elevate the conversation. Both your supervisor and your colleagues may appreciate the new energy you bring to the project! Encourage others to lend their thoughts to the ideas as well.

8. Establish your signature look and visual identity.

Using personal style or a signature look to communicate who you are before you’ve even said a word is a strategic and easy way to set the bar higher. When you show up looking polished, it says that you value what you’re doing and where you’re doing it.

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