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HSE Question Bank
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Which of the following are the largest contributors to global pollution?
  1. Soil pollution
  2. Industrial pollution
  3. Radioactive pollution
  4. Water pollution

Q2. What is the name for the large artery in the leg?

  1. The Carotid
  2. The Radial
  3. The Brachial
  4. The Femoral
Correct Answer

Q3. The organization must identify _____ who is responsible to oversee the EMS and report to management on its operation.

  1. a third-party representative
  2. a safety committee member
  3. an elected employee representative
  4. a management representative
Correct Answer

Q4. Which of the following describes the organization’s activities, products or services that can interact with the environment?

  1. Environmental Aspects
  2. Environmental Impacts
  3. Environmental Objectives
  4. Environmental Processes
Correct Answer

Q5. Process Safety incidents can cause

  1. Multiple injuries and/or fatalities
  2. Massive asset damage
  3. Environmental consequence
  4. Reputation impact
  5. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q6. When creating and updating documented information the organization shall include:

  1. Page numbers
  2. Suitability and adequacy
  3. Font
  4. Standards used
Correct Answer

Q7. In the Checking and Corrective Action process, you track specific EMS parameters that help _____.

  1. ensure conformance with related OSHA environmental regulations
  2. answer basic questions about EMS implementation
  3. determine if you are meeting our objectives and targets
  4. establish EMS aspects and related impacts
Correct Answer

Q8. Process Safety incidents are generally caused by failure of

  1. A single barrier
  2. Multiple barriers
  3. Sometimes single but sometimes multiple barriers
  4. None of the above
Correct Answer

Q9. When the audit evidence suggest that the audit objectives are unattainable the audit team leader should report the reason to _________

  1. Audit client
  2. Audit client and auditee
  3. Audit program leader and auditee
  4. Audit management
Correct Answer

Q10. During audit planning if documented information is not sufficient the audit can be suspended

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE
Correct Answer

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