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Computer Question Bank
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The Second Generation Computer was based on ________.
  1. Vacuum Tube
  2. Silicon Chips
  3. Transistor
  4. Bio Chips

Q2. Ms Word: Ctrl + O

  1. Save Document
  2. Print Document
  3. Close Document
  4. Open Document
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Access: A ____ is a major database object used to display information in a printable page format.

  1. form
  2. query
  3. report
  4. table
Correct Answer

Q4. A user-interface that is easy to use is considered to be

  1. User-happy
  2. User-simple
  3. User-friendly
  4. None of the above
Correct Answer

Q5. When did IBM introduce the 20286 based PC/AT?

  1. 1982
  2. 1984
  3. 1985
  4. 1989
Correct Answer

Q6. From which generation computers the printers were used?

  1. first
  2. second
  3. third
  4. fourth
Correct Answer

Q7. Who invented EDSAC?

  1. John v. Neumann
  2. J.p. Eckert and John Mauchley
  3. Maurice Wilkes
  4. Howard Aiken
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms Access: Which of the following columns does not exist in macro design window?

  1. Arguments
  3. Conditions
  4. Actions
Correct Answer

Q9. Copying a process from memory to disk to allow space for other processes is Called

  1. Swapping
  2. Deadlock
  3. Demand Paging
  4. Page Fault
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Access: HTML stands for ____.

  1. High Text Mail List
  2. Hyperlink Markup Language
  3. HyperText Markup Language
  4. Hyperlink Transfer Markup Language
Correct Answer

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