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Computer Question Bank
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Time during which a job is processed by the computer is
  1. Delay times
  2. Real time
  3. Execution time
  4. Down time

Q2. Ms PowerPoint: Which is the best view for getting your thoughts for a presentation out on the computer?

  1. Outline view
  2. Notes page view
  3. Slide sorter view
  4. Slide view
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Access: Which part of the IIF expression is the action performed if the true condition exists?

  1. inner
  2. first
  3. second
  4. third
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Access: Each record is constituted by a number of individual data items which are called

  1. Fields
  2. Data Types
  3. Relations
  4. Tables
Correct Answer

Q5. Controlling access to a network by analyzing the incoming and outgoing packets is called

  1. IP Filtering
  2. Data Filtering
  3. Packet Filtering
  4. Firewall Filtering
Correct Answer

Q6. Who invented vacuum tubes?

  1. John Bardeen
  2. William Shockley
  3. Lee de Forest
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q7. Which file system Windows 95 typically use?

  1. FAT 16
  2. FAT 32
  3. NTFS
  4. LMFS
Correct Answer

Q8. The most common input device to control the movement of the cursor on the screen?

  1. Arrow keys
  2. Mouse
  3. Joysticks
  4. Plotter
Correct Answer

Q9. The primary purpose of an operating system is a ...

  1. To make the most efficient use of computer hardware
  2. To allow people to use the computer
  3. To keep system programmer employed
  4. To make computer easier to use
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Word: The scroll box on the vertical scroll bar indicates the _____.

  1. position of the insertion point from the top of the page
  2. distance of the insertion point from the left margin
  3. current relative location of the document portion displayed in the window
  4. rank of the word in which the insertion point is found
Correct Answer

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