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Computer Question Bank
for Exam preparation

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Controlling access to a network by analyzing the incoming and outgoing packets is called
  1. IP Filtering
  2. Data Filtering
  3. Packet Filtering
  4. Firewall Filtering

Q2. Ms Word: Which of the following function key activates the speller?

  1. F5
  2. F7
  3. F9
  4. Shift + F7
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms PowerPoint:Which of the following can you use to add times to the slides in a presentation?

  1. Slide show menu
  2. Rehearse timings button
  3. Slide transition button
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q4. High density double sided floppy disks could store _____ of data

  1. 1.40 MB
  2. 1.44 GB
  3. 1.40 GB
  4. 1.44 MB
Correct Answer

Q5. The computer size was very large in

  1. First Generation
  2. Second Generation
  3. Third Generation
  4. Fourth Generation
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Excel:To center worksheet titles across a range of cells, you must

  1. Select the cells containing the title text plus the range over which the title text is to be centered
  2. Widen the columns
  3. Select the cells containing the title text plus the range over which the title text is to be enfettered
  4. Format the cells with the comma style
Correct Answer

Q7. Which of the following is machine independence program?

  1. High level language
  2. Low level language
  3. Assembly language
  4. Machine language
Correct Answer

Q8. MKDIR is similar to

  1. MD
  2. File
  3. Folder
  4. Table
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms PowerPoint:The size of the organization chart object

  1. Is determined by the presentation design and cannot be changed
  2. Is determined by the presentation design but can be changed in PowerPoint
  3. Is dependent on the amount of text within the organization chart
  4. b and c
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Excel:Which area in an Excel window allows entering values and formulas?

  1. Title Bar
  2. Menu Bar
  3. Formula Bar
  4. Standard Tool Bar
Correct Answer

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