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Computer Question Bank
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Ms Excel:To center worksheet titles across a range of cells, you must
  1. Select the cells containing the title text plus the range over which the title text is to be centered
  2. Widen the columns
  3. Select the cells containing the title text plus the range over which the title text is to be enfettered
  4. Format the cells with the comma style

Q2. In which language is source program written?

  1. English
  2. Symbolic
  3. High level
  4. Temporary
Correct Answer

Q3. What is Thrashing?

  1. A high paging activity is called thrashin
  2. A high executing activity is called thrashing
  3. A extremely long process is called thrashing
  4. A extremely long virtual memory is called thrashing
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Access: What is the full form of SQL?

  1. Sophisticated Question List
  2. Structured Question List
  3. Structured Query Language
  4. Small Query Length
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Access: What do you call a collection of records matching parameters of a query?

  1. Field
  2. Record
  3. Query
  4. Dynaset
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Access: To set a password for the database, select ____________ in the Microsoft Access open window.

  1. Open read only
  2. Open write only
  3. Open explicit
  4. Open exclusive
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms PowerPoint:Which of the following options in the printer dialog box would you select to print slides 5 and 12 in a presentation?

  1. Slides
  2. Custom shows
  3. Current slide
  4. All
Correct Answer

Q8. The maximum size of a write file is limited to only

  1. Name of the file
  2. Extension of the file
  3. The amount of memory in your computer
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q9. Who invented Analytical engine?

  1. Blaise Pascal
  2. George Bool
  3. Charles Babbage
  4. Dr. Herman Hollerith
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Excel:when you print preview a worksheet

  1. the entire worksheet is displayed
  2. the selected range is displayed
  3. the active portion of the worksheet is displayed
  4. a, b and c
Correct Answer

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