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Computer Question Bank
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Ms PowerPoint:Which of the following options in the printer dialog box would you select to print slides 5 and 12 in a presentation?
  1. Slides
  2. Custom shows
  3. Current slide
  4. All

Q2. Ms Excel:What is the shortcut key to hide entire column?

  1. CTRL + -
  2. CTRL + 0
  3. CTRL + H
  4. CTRL + C
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Access: To achieve AND effect when you are entering criteria in a query design window

  1. write criteria values vertically one in a row
  2. write criteria values horizontally
  3. Write criteria values in same field separated with AND
  4. Write criteria values in same field separated with &
Correct Answer

Q4. Which of the following is not a peripheral hardware device in a computer system?

  1. Keyboard
  2. Optical Drive
  3. HDD
  4. Printer
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Excel:To create a formula, you can use:

  1. Values but not cell references
  2. C ell references but not values
  3. Values or cell references although not both at the same time
  4. Value and cell references
Correct Answer

Q6. The operating system is the most common type of .... Software

  1. Communication
  2. Application
  3. System
  4. Word processing software
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms PowerPoint:An organization has a president, vice president, managers and supervisors. On what level of an organization chart are the vice presidents

  1. Fourth level
  2. Third level
  3. Second level
  4. First level
Correct Answer

Q8. ______ shares characteristics with both hardware and software

  1. Operating system
  2. Software
  3. Data
  4. None
Correct Answer

Q9. A number system that has eight different symbols to represent any quantity is known as

  1. Binary
  2. Octal
  3. Decimal
  4. Hexadecimal
Correct Answer

Q10. What should be the extension to execute automatically when OS is started?

  1. Comman
  2. com
  3. Any batch file
  4. Autoexec.bat
  5. Config.sys
Correct Answer

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