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English Question Bank
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I know Keith worries about keeping up with the Joneses because he never
  1. wears clothes that show the brand
  2. goes out without putting on his Rolex
  3. notices how expensive someone's shoes are

Q2. A zebra crossing is a place for

  1. zebras to cross the road
  2. people to cross the road
  3. cars to run people over
Correct Answer

Q3. My father told me to do my homework. My father said, “______”

  1. You do your homework
  2. You don’t do your homework
  3. I don’t do my homework
  4. Do your homework
Correct Answer

Q4. He gave ______ all his fortune to charities.

  1. down
  2. away
  3. up
Correct Answer

Q5. I have two boys, but ______ of them likes pop music.

  1. either
  2. both
  3. neither
  4. none
Correct Answer

Q6. After a week camping, all our food supplies gave ______.

  1. down
  2. out
  3. in
Correct Answer

Q7. Magda was ……… after she heard that she had won a televison in a competition.

  1. over the hill
  2. on cloud nine
  3. on the hop
  4. over the peg
Correct Answer

Q8. I’ll stay home if it ______.

  1. rained
  2. rains
  3. will rain
  4. won’t rain
Correct Answer

Q9. Many people considered it to be cruel to send animals in rockets into outer space. Many people consider that _______ cruel to send animals in rockets into further space.

  1. to be
  2. it to be
  3. it is
  4. it was
Correct Answer

Q10. I was ....... off with some rotten apples at the corner shop.

  1. palmed
  2. handed
  3. armed
  4. fingered
Correct Answer

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