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Project Management Question Bank
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Which of the following includes all of the relationships represented on an activity-on-node diagram?
  1. Finish-to-start
  2. Finish-to-finish
  3. Finish-to-start, start-to-finish, finish-to-finish, start-to-start
  4. Start-to-start, start-to-finish 36

Q2. During a work breakdown structure meeting, you have decomposed the deliverables into work packages and created your WBS dictionary. However, you now want to decompose the work packages to assist you in estimating, executing, and controlling the project. These decomposed work packages are:

  1. Work packages can't be decomposed into smaller units
  2. Activities
  3. Milestones
  4. Control Accounts
Correct Answer

Q3. Though you have tried to plan the project to accommodate all major contingencies, you are now asked for the fifth time to decrease the length of time the project will take to complete. The person completing activity C is no longer talking to you because of the added work she needed to do to accommodate previous decrease in time. She has already told you she cannot shorten her activity any more. The person doing activity D has been replaced by a new and less tested resource. The risk of crashing activity F is small. Based on this and the chart, what is the BEST thing to do?

  1. Determine why there have been so many decreases to the project length
  2. Invite the person doing activity C to lunch to talk about her problems
  3. Evaluate the risk added to the project with the change of resources on activity D
  4. Make changes to the project to decrease the time the project will take.
Correct Answer

Q4. You are currently in a process whose main benefit is to increase support and minimize resistance from stakeholders as the project evolves and environment changes. Which is not a tool and technique of this process?

  1. Ground rules
  2. Expert judgment
  3. Document analysis
  4. Meetings
Correct Answer

Q5. You are working as a project manager for MALTEX, an IT organization having a projectized organization structure. You have recently started managing a project that involves stakeholders from within and outside your organization. The stakeholders external to your organization are highly critical since the project negatively affects their interests. You are making serious efforts to gather their expectations and influence levels early in the project to ensure their voice is heard and proper communication needs can be planned in the project’s future phases. The outcome of your effort can be documented in:

  1. The stakeholder engagement plan
  2. The project scope document
  3. The risk register
  4. The stakeholder communication plan
Correct Answer

Q6. The project manager has completed the Plan Risk Responses process, and has identified risk management strategies with the team. The team’s manager has asked for the amount of risk reserves needed for the project. What is the FIRST thing the project manager should do?

  1. Create the risk reserves
  2. Prioritize the list of risks
  3. Create the overall risk rating for the project
  4. Determine secondary risks.
Correct Answer

Q7. A project manager is trying to settle a dispute between two team members. One says the systems should be integrated before testing, and the other maintains each system should be tested before integration. The project involves over 30 people, and 2 systems need to be integrated. The sponsor is demanding that integration happens on time. What is the BEST statement the project manager can make to resolve the conflict?

  1. Do it my way.
  2. Let’s clam down and get the job done.
  3. Let’s deal with this again next week after we all calm down.
  4. Let’s do limited testing before integration and finish testing after integration.
Correct Answer

Q8. If a project manager believes that a particular subcontract needs to be terminated, which of the following can provide guidance on the contract termination procedure?

  1. The contract termination procedures in the organizational process assets
  2. The termination clause of the specific subcontract
  3. The change control procedures in the project management plan
  4. The contract termination procedures in the project procurements management plan
Correct Answer

Q9. Anne is a project manager. She has evaluated certain responses from prospective sellers and wants to select a contract model that will transfer risk to the seller. Which of the following should she select in order to achieve this?

  1. Time and Material contract
  2. Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee contract
  3. Cost-Plus-Incentive-Fee contract
  4. Fixed-price contract
Correct Answer

Q10. You are having difficulty estimating the cost of a project. Which of the following BEST describes the most probable cause of your difficulty?

  1. Inadequate scope definition
  2. Unavailability of desired resources
  3. Lack of historical records from previous projects.
  4. Lack of company processes.
Correct Answer

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