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Computer Question Bank
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Which of the following is the allocation method of a disk space?
  1. Contiguous allocation
  2. Linked allocation
  3. Indexed allocation
  4. All of the Above

Q2. The rotational delay time or latency time is also known as

  1. Seek Time
  2. Head Switching Time
  3. Search Time
  4. Data Transfer time
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Excel:How can you update the values of formula cells if Auto Calculate mode of Excel is disabled?

  1. F8
  2. F9
  3. F10
  4. F11
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms PowerPoint:PowerPoint design templates are stored in a file with this extension.

  1. .ptt
  2. .pot
  3. .ppt
  4. .dtp
Correct Answer

Q5. Which of the following is not anti-viruses software?

  1. NAV
  2. F-Prot
  3. Oracle
  4. McAfee
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Excel:Your German supplier still invoices for parts in Deutsche marks. How can you have Excel convert those sums to Euros?

  1. On the Insert menu, click Symbol and from the currency symbols subset, select the Euro sign.
  2. On the tools menu, click Add-Ins, and select the Euro Currency Tools check box
  3. Apply a selected background color
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q7. It is the default folder for many Windows Applications to save your file

  1. My Document
  2. My Pictures
  3. Documents and Settings
  4. My Computer
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms Word: You wished to justify text over the height of paper, which option will you choose

  1. Page Setup from File menu
  2. Paragraph from Format menu
  3. From formatting toolbar
  4. Font from Format menu
Correct Answer

Q9. How many types of storage loops exists in magnetic bubble memory

  1. 8
  2. 4
  3. 16
  4. 2
Correct Answer

Q10. Why ABC computer is called so?

  1. Because it was developed by Atanasoff and Berry
  2. Because it was thought to be the first computer so named with first alphabets of English
  3. Both of above are the reason to name the computer ABC
  4. None of above are true
Correct Answer

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