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How many points of contact should you maintain with a ladder at all times?
  1. At least two
  2. At least three
  3. One
  4. Four

Q2. If you bypass an ESD function for preventive maintenance but have not properly defined mitigations you have

  1. Removed a hardware barrier
  2. Weakened the hardware barrier
  3. Removed a human barrier
  4. None of the above
Correct Answer

Q3. If you wanted to convey the most severe type of hazard, which word would you use?

  1. Warning
  2. Notice
  3. Danger
  4. Caution
Correct Answer

Q4. Continuous improvement in tackling personnel safety issues automatically ensures that process safety issues are addressed

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Sometimes
Correct Answer

Q5. Action taken to eliminate the cause of a nonconformity or an incident and to prevent its recurrence is called ____________

  1. Preventive action
  2. Correction
  3. Corrective action
  4. Elimination
Correct Answer

Q6. Measuring BOD (biological oxygen demand) is primarily used for

  1. Estimating the types of microbes
  2. Determine the level of dissolved oxygen
  3. Estimating the quantity of organic matter in sewage water
  4. None of the above
Correct Answer

Q7. How many points of contact should you maintain with a ladder at all times?

  1. At least two
  2. At least three
  3. One
  4. Four
Correct Answer

Q8. According to ISO 14001:6.1.4 The organization shall plan to take actions to address all the following except:

  1. significant environmental aspects
  2. compliance obligations
  3. risks and opportunities
  4. EMS responsible team
Correct Answer

Q9. What is called for the pollution that can be traced directly to industrial activity?

  1. Soil pollution
  2. Water pollution
  3. Air pollution
  4. Industrial pollution
Correct Answer

Q10. The ability to adapt the job and the workplace to the worker by designing tasks, workstations, tools and equipment to one’s needs is called _________

  1. Infrastructure
  2. Ergonomics
  3. Safe practices
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

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