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English Question Bank
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I assured him that he _______ pneumonia.
  1. should get
  2. would get
  3. get
  4. gets

Q2. There are about 980 flying mammals referred to as bats. They are the only real flying mammals on Earth. Most bats feed on a diet of insects. Some feed on flowers and fruits, but the most interesting are the vampire bats of the Americas, which suck the blood of large birds and other mammals. Unfortunately, these vampire bats are capable of transmitting rabies and are for this reason considered dangerous. The other types of bats are of no danger to man and are even considered helpers of nature by way of their diet which helps control the insect population in various areas of the world. Although the misunderstood bat has represented fear and terror in the west, it is seen as a sign of good luck and long life in the east. ------------ The majority of the bat population _____.

  1. are vampires.
  2. transmit many illnesses.
  3. feed on a diet of insects.
  4. are dangerous to man.
  5. live in the Americas.
Correct Answer

Q3. Not one of the girl’s teachers could ______ her poor examination results.

  1. act out
  2. answer back
  3. account for
  4. ask after
Correct Answer

Q4. Why did he try to run ______ from home?

  1. off
  2. out
  3. away
Correct Answer

Q5. I don’t know why their marriage is breaking ______.

  1. through
  2. in
  3. up
Correct Answer

Q6. Some working parents ______ being absent all day by giving their children lots of presents.

  1. make out
  2. make out of
  3. make up
  4. make up for
Correct Answer

Q7. Now, James, are you quite sure that I’m not putting you ______ (putting you to any trouble)?

  1. after
  2. by
  3. out
  4. over
Correct Answer

Q8. Larry was so (absorbed) in his novel that he forgot about his dinner cooking in the oven.

  1. engrossed
  2. obliged
  3. enlivened
  4. excelled
  5. devastated
Correct Answer

Q9. He ______ a cold for the last three days.

  1. is fighting off
  2. will have fought off
  3. has been fighting off
  4. was fighting off
Correct Answer

Q10. She saw … when he arrived so late and didn't apologise.

  1. blood
  2. blue murder
  3. red
  4. red blood
Correct Answer

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