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Food Question Bank
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Internal Audits (self-inspections) should be conducted in order to?
  1. Effectively micromanage staff
  2. Ensure department heads are working synergistically
  3. Monitor the implementation and compliance with GMP
  4. None of the above

Q2. When sanitizing dishclothes or cutting boards at home using chlorine bleach, how much bleach should be added, per quart of water?

  1. 1 teaspoon
  2. ½ cup
  3. ½ quart
  4. None of the above
Correct Answer

Q3. A Contamination Control Strategy includes considerations such as facility design, gowning procedures as well as operating & cleaning procedures amongst others.

  1. False
  2. True
Correct Answer

Q4. Bacteria multiply quickly in the Food Temperature Danger Zone. What is the temperature range for this zone?

  1. Between 30°F and 130°F.
  2. Between 45°F and 145°F.
  3. Between 40°F and 140°F.
  4. Between 40°F and 150°F.
  5. Between 50°F and 120°F.
Correct Answer

Q5. What is the benefit of having BRC certification? i) Stabilization of customer confidence ii) Higher product security iii) Higher product liability risks iv) Timely notice of consumer risks concerning hygiene and security consumer goods

  1. i & ii
  2. i, ii & iii
  3. ii & iv
  4. i, ii & iv
Correct Answer

Q6. Premises and equipment MUST BE:

  1. Located, designed, constructed, adapted and maintained to suit the operations to be carried out
  2. Permit effective cleaning and maintenance to prevent cross-contamination
  3. Layout and design must aim to minimise the risk of errors
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q7. How many principles are there in a HACCP system?

  1. Four
  2. Seven
  3. Eighteen
  4. Ten
Correct Answer

Q8. In GMP guidelines, what is the recommended differential pressure between areas of different classification?

  1. 1 to 2 Pascals
  2. 10 to 15 Pascals
  3. 100 to 500 Pascals
Correct Answer

Q9. What is the purpose of a food safety management system?

  1. Keep all areas of the facility clean and pest free
  2. Identify, tag, and repair faulty equipment within the facility
  3. Identify and control possible hazards throughout the flow of food
  4. Identify, document and use the correct methods for receiving food
Correct Answer

Q10. ISO 22000 is a GFSI approved food safety standard?

  1. True
  2. False
Correct Answer

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