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Project Management Question Bank
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Team members are arguing about the location of specification limits on a control chart. The discussion is becoming heated when the project manager walks in and says: “… It seems that the real problem here is that we do not have enough information about the customer’s specifications. Let’s …”. This is an example of:
  1. Asserting the project manager’s authority.
  2. Problem solving.
  3. Compromising.
  4. Withdrawal.

Q2. During Control risks process, the risk response owner should be:

  1. Identifying which risks he/she wants to monitor
  2. Controlling the identification of response strategies
  3. Informing the project manager of any midcourse correction needed
  4. Updating stakeholders of new strategies for mitigating risks.
Correct Answer

Q3. In which project management process group is the project manager likely to be more coaching?

  1. Initiating
  2. Planning
  3. Executing
  4. Monitoring and controlling.
Correct Answer

Q4. Three years back, your organization awarded a fixed price contract to a reputable local contractor to construct a new airport terminal in the city. A few days back, you received a change request from the contractor requesting to adjust the contract’s price. The contractor is claiming that as a result of the recent national recession, the prices of raw materials have gone up and he cannot complete the rest of the project at the contract price. Is the contactor’s request legitimate?

  1. Yes, you cannot penalize the contactor for price escalations due to force majeure.
  2. Yes, unless there is no Economic Price Adjustment provision in the contract.
  3. No, the price of the contract is fixed and cannot be changed.
  4. No, the price hike due to recession must be adjusted against the contractor’s profit.
Correct Answer

Q5. In an underground highway construction project, the project stakeholders have suggested many changes to the project scope. You had already defined the cost baseline in your project, and you would like to revisit the baseline to see how these changes might affect the overall cost of the project. You start an impact analysis to determine the impact and inform the concerned stakeholders of all approved changes and the corresponding costs. You perform these activities in which process?

  1. Control Scope
  2. Monitor Risks
  3. Control Costs
  4. Monitor Communications
Correct Answer

Q6. You are constructing an office building. Work has started and you are in the middle of your project. You feel that if you add one more floor to the building it will cost much less than if the client decides to add it in the future. This change, however, will lead to a change in various baselines and the project charter as well. Therefore, you discuss the issue with all relevant stakeholders, and after their agreement, you process these change requests. In all of these changes, who is responsible for making this change in the project charter?

  1. The project manager
  2. The client
  3. Management
  4. The project management team
Correct Answer

Q7. To control the schedule, a project manager is reanalyzing the project to predict project duration. This is done by analyzing the sequence of activities with the least amount of flexibility. What technique is being used?

  1. Leads and lags
  2. Work Breakdown Structure
  3. Flowchart
  4. Critical Path Method
Correct Answer

Q8. Which of the following aspects of planning is concerned with decomposing the work of a project into manageable chunks?

  1. Scope
  2. Schedule
  3. Cost
  4. Quality 6
Correct Answer

Q9. The new project is exciting to both the project manager and the team. This is the project manager’s first assignment as project manager. The team has the feeling that they will be able to complete work that has never been tried before. There are 29 people contributing to the product description and the team consists of nine highly experienced experts in their field. Part of the way through planning, three highly technical team members are disagreeing about the scope o f two of the deliverables. One is pointing to the draft WBS and saying that two additional work packages should be added. Another is saying that a particular work package should not even be done. The third team member agrees with both of them. How should the project manager BEST deal with the conflict?

  1. He should listen to the differences of opinion, determine the best choice, and implement that choice.
  2. He should postpone further discussions, meet with each individual, and determine the best approach.
  3. He should listen to the differences of opinion, encourage logical discussions, and facilitate an agreement.
  4. He should help the team focus on agreeable aspects of their opinions and build unity by using relaxation techniques and common focus team building.
Correct Answer

Q10. Which process is MOST responsible for managing changes to the schedule components of the Project Management Plan?

  1. Control Schedule
  2. Create WBS
  3. Develop Project Management Plan
  4. Develop Schedule
Correct Answer

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