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Computer Question Bank
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Ms Access: The complete information about an entity in a database is called
  1. Data
  2. Information
  3. Field
  4. Record

Q2. Ms Excel:You cannot link excel worksheet data to a word document

  1. With the right drag method
  2. With a hyperlink
  3. With the copy and paste special commands
  4. With the copy and paste buttons on the standard toolbar.
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Excel:Which function is used to calculate depreciation, rates of return, future values and loan payment amounts?

  1. Logical
  2. Math & Trigonometry
  3. Statistical
  4. Financial
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Excel:What Pivot Table toolbar button updates the data in a Pivot Table or Pivot Chart report if the source data chas changed

  1. Format Report
  2. Pivot Table
  3. Refresh Data
  4. Show Detail
Correct Answer

Q5. Which one of the following is not a layer of operating system?

  1. Kernel
  2. Shell
  3. Application program
  4. Critical selection
Correct Answer

Q6. Which of the following memories allows simultaneous read and write operations?

  1. ROM
  2. RAM
  3. EPROM
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q7. Which of the following registers is loaded with the contents of the memory location pointed by the PC?

  1. Memory address registers
  2. Memory data registers
  3. Instruction register
  4. Program counter
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms PowerPoint:Which view in Power Point can be used to enter Speaker Comments?

  1. Normal
  2. Slide Show
  3. Slide Sorter
  4. Notes Page view
Correct Answer

Q9. Which of the following statement is false?

  1. Mechanical analog computers have existed for thousands of years
  2. There are mechanical analog computers and electronic analog computers.
  3. All electronic computers are digital computers
  4. All of above are false
Correct Answer

Q10. Which of the following is not a type of plotter

  1. Drum plotter
  2. Flatbed plotter
  3. Hand-held plotter
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

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