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English Question Bank
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I don’t think you should go ______ a job in that company.
  1. after
  2. in
  3. to

Q2. Mountaineering has this advantage over most other sports; enjoyment depends very little indeed on natural ability or technical skill; it is a sport without winners and without losers. By all means study the technique of climbing if it interests you. But, believe me, provided you go to really good mountain country, it doesn’t much matter how you climb or what you climb. There are three things that matter; look up frequently to see the way ahead, don’t leave the holds you have until you have tested new ones; do all you can to help those climbing with you. --------- As it is pointed out in the passage, mountaineering is a sport _____.

  1. in which nobody wins and nobody loses
  2. that is not suitable for the old
  3. in which technique is not easy to learn
  4. which can be enjoyed anywhere in the country
  5. that most people are interested in
Correct Answer

Q3. The famous Tower of London was built as a fortress by William the Conqueror. Early in the Middle Ages the kings used it as a palace; later on it was turned into a prison, but only distinguished prisoners, including statesmen and princes, were held there. Today the Tower is a national museum, where, among other things, the jewelry of the English kings and queens is on display. --------- It is obvious from the passage that the functions of the Tower of London _____.

  1. were all established by William the Conqueror.
  2. have always been controlled by the kings.
  3. have varied greatly over the centuries.
  4. are all of a military nature.
  5. have not changed at all since the Middle Ages.
Correct Answer

Q4. Find the synonym of the following words written in capitals. ***** The professor’s INTRODUCTORY remarks concerned the development of culture in that region.

  1. preliminary
  2. final
  3. next
  4. supplementary
  5. useful
Correct Answer

Q5. When political correctness became popular in the nineties, millions of people jumped on the bandwagon and

  1. said it was incorrect
  2. became politically correct
  3. corrected people's politics
Correct Answer

Q6. A: Did Arsenal beat Galatasaray in the final? B: ______.

  1. Yes, Arsenal was beaten by Galatasaray in the final.
  2. Yes, Galatasaray beat Arsenal in the final.
  3. No, Galatasaray was beaten by Arsenal
  4. No, Arsenal was beaten by Galatasaray in the final.
Correct Answer

Q7. When there was a short ________ in the conversation, I asked if anyone would like anything to drink.

  1. fall
  2. blank
  3. wait
  4. pause
  5. place
Correct Answer

Q8. If something ……… true it sounds true

  1. rings
  2. chimes
  3. shouts
  4. beeps
Correct Answer

Q9. The thought of spending a night in the so-called ‘haunted’ house alone made him ____ with fear.

  1. burp
  2. shudder
  3. swallow
  4. blink
Correct Answer

Q10. The movers and shakers in the world of banking

  1. transport equipment to new banks
  2. work behind the counters in banks
  3. control banks and other financial institutes
Correct Answer

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