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Computer Question Bank
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The lower deck of an abacus is known as
  1. heaven
  2. sky
  3. earth
  4. floor

Q2. Ms Access: If a piece of data is stored in two places in the database, then a

  1. Storage space is wasted
  2. Changing the data is one spot will cause data inconsistency
  3. It can be more easily accessed
  4. Both a and b
Correct Answer

Q3. Networking such as LAN, MAN started from

  1. First generation
  2. Second generation
  3. Third generation
  4. Fourth generation
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms PowerPoint:An organization has a president, vice president, managers and supervisors. On what level of an organization chart are the vice presidents

  1. Fourth level
  2. Third level
  3. Second level
  4. First level
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Access: A __ name must be unique within a database

  1. Table
  2. Field
  3. Record
  4. Character
Correct Answer

Q6. ….is used in operating system to separate mechanism from policy

  1. Single level implementation
  2. Two level implementation
  3. Multi level implementation
  4. None
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Excel:You can set Page Border in Excel from

  1. From Border tab in Format Cells dialog box
  2. From Border tool in Formatting toolbar
  3. From Line Style tool in Drawing toolbar
  4. You can not set page border in Excel
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms Access: The _____ Smart Tag launches Microsoft Outlook to schedule an appointment or display a calendar.

  1. Date
  2. Time
  3. Calendar
  4. Appointment
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Excel:To save a workbook, you:

  1. Click the save button on the standard toolbar from the menu
  2. Press Ctrl+F5
  3. Click Save on the Windows Start button
  4. Select Edit>Save
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Word: _____ are types of changes that occur when text has been omitted from a document and must be inserted later.

  1. Copy
  2. Paste
  3. Cut
  4. Paste Special
Correct Answer

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