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Computer Question Bank
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Ms Access: A __ name must be unique within a database
  1. Table
  2. Field
  3. Record
  4. Character

Q2. Which of the following is a disk compression tool?

  1. Drive space
  2. Scandisk
  3. Defragmenter
  4. None of the above
Correct Answer

Q3. Which command will be used to display only the file name and extensions in wide format?

  1. Dir/b
  2. Dir A:
  3. Dir/s
  4. Dir/w
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Word: AutoCorrect was originally designed to replace _________ words as you typ

  1. short, repetitive
  2. grammatically incorrect
  3. misspelled
  4. none of the above
Correct Answer

Q5. Which of the following is not valid statement?

  1. Hard is referred to mean something temporary
  2. Hard is used to mean something tangible
  3. Soft is used to mean something permanent
  4. Soft is used to mean something tangible
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Excel:How do you wrap the text in a cell?

  1. Format, cells, font
  2. Format, cells, protection
  3. format, cells, number
  4. Format, cells, alignment
Correct Answer

Q7. You should choose this mode if you don’t know how long you won’t use your computer but want to have the same desktop state when you resume

  1. Shut Down
  2. Restart
  3. Sleep
  4. Hibernate
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms Excel:What do you mean by a Workspace?

  1. Group of Columns
  2. Group of Worksheets
  3. Group of Rows
  4. Group of Workbooks
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Word: By default, on which page the header or the footer is printed?

  1. on first page
  2. on alternate page
  3. on every page
  4. none of the above
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Access: Both conditions display on the same row in the design grid when ___operator is in use

  1. OR
  2. IN
  3. AND
  4. LIKE
Correct Answer

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