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Ms Excel:What do you mean by a Workspace?
  1. Group of Columns
  2. Group of Worksheets
  3. Group of Rows
  4. Group of Workbooks

Q2. Ms Word: What is the shortcut key to display field codes?

  1. Alt + F9
  2. Ctrl + F9
  3. Shift + F9
  4. Space + F9
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Excel:Which of the following is not an option of the spelling dialog box?

  1. Ignore
  2. Ignore all
  3. Edit
  4. Change
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Excel:Selecting the Column G & H then choose Insert->ColumnWhat will happen?

  1. 2 Columns will be inserted after Column F
  2. 2 Columns will be inserted after Column G
  3. 2 Columns will be inserted after Column H
  4. 2 Columns will be inserted after Column I
Correct Answer

Q5. To locate a data item for storage is

  1. Field
  2. Feed
  3. Database
  4. Fetch
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Access: The appropriate Data Type to store Time in MS Access?

  1. Date/Time
  2. Time Only
  3. Time
  4. Time cannot be stored
Correct Answer

Q7. What is the method of handling deadlocks?

  1. Use a protocol to ensure that the system will never enter a deadlock stat
  2. Allow the system to enter the deadlock state and then recover.
  3. Pretend that deadlocks never occur in the system.
  4. All of the Above
Correct Answer

Q8. ASCII and EBCDIC are the popular character coding systems. What does EBCDIC stand for?

  1. Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
  2. Extended Bit Code Decimal Interchange Code
  3. Extended Bit Case Decimal Interchange Code
  4. Extended Binary Case Decimal Interchange Code
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Access: This query wizard will create a select query.

  1. Crosstab
  2. Find duplicates
  3. Simple
  4. Design view
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Access: Validation Rule in a field will

  1. Checks the value entered when user leaves the field
  2. Displays the value in specified format when user leaves the field
  3. Defines the appearance for the text
  4. There is no option of Validation Rule
Correct Answer

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