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Computer Question Bank
for Exam preparation

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Ms Word: Ctrl + X
  1. Close Document
  2. Close Word Application
  3. Cut the Selected Contents
  4. Copy the Selected Contents

Q2. Which of the following file organization is most efficient for a file with a high degree of file activity?

  1. Sequential
  2. ISAM
  3. VSAM
  4. B-Tree Index
Correct Answer

Q3. Modern Computers are very reliable but they are not

  1. Fast
  2. Powerful
  3. Infallible
  4. Cheap
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms PowerPoint:Which is the shortcut key to jump to the first slide of the presentation?

  1. Home
  2. Alt + Home
  3. Ctrl + Home
  4. Shift + Home
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Excel:when you work with large worksheets, you may need to

  1. size the worksheet to fit on the specific number of pages
  2. add and remove page breaks
  3. specify only certain print areas
  4. all of above
Correct Answer

Q6. The virtual memory is

  1. An extremely large main memory
  2. An extremely large secondary memory
  3. An illusion of extremely large main memory
  4. A type of memory used in super computer
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Excel:Excel is a

  1. Graphic program
  2. None of these
  3. Word processor
  4. A spreadsheet
Correct Answer

Q8. Signals can be analog or digital and a computer that processes the both type of signals is known as

  1. Analog computer
  2. Digital Computer
  3. Hybrid Computer
  4. Mainframe Computer
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Access: A(n) ____ is the default control for a Yes/No fiel

  1. check box
  2. option button
  3. toggle button
  4. list box
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Excel:Documentation should include

  1. Destination and users of the output data
  2. Source of input data
  3. Information on the purpose of the workbook
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

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