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English Question Bank
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The firefighters had to break the door ______ to rescue the little girl.
  1. into
  2. out
  3. down

Q2. Stan thinks he got a raw deal from his insurance company, so he's writing a letter

  1. to thank them
  2. to complain to them
  3. to congratulate them
Correct Answer

Q3. If something ……… true it sounds true

  1. rings
  2. chimes
  3. shouts
  4. beeps
Correct Answer

Q4. Even though Lucas had been bullying the new kid since the beginning of the year, Lucas shed his (crocodile tears) after the principal caught him and threatened him with suspension.

  1. This means that Lucas genuinely feels sorry for his actions.
  2. This means that Lucas display of sorrow was insincere.
  3. This means that Lucas was afraid of the principal.
  4. This means that Lucas was afraid of the new kid.
Correct Answer

Q5. By the way, I’ve just heard that Sally and Chris have ______ their engagement.

  1. broken into
  2. broken down
  3. broken away
  4. broken up
Correct Answer

Q6. Mr. Johnson was very particular about the arrangement of his classroom, so the thing he hated most was when his students caused a ruckus with their wild (horseplay).

  1. Mr. Johnson hated when his students pretended to be animals.
  2. Mr. Johnson hated when his students played sports.
  3. Mr. Johnson hated when his students wrestled around with each other
  4. Mr. Johnson hated when his students made animal noises.
Correct Answer

Q7. Your cough ______ get better if you don’t stop smoking.

  1. will
  2. would
  3. won’t
  4. didn’t
Correct Answer

Q8. Which of these plans would be a pipe dream for most people?

  1. travelling to your country's capital city
  2. playing football for Manchester United
  3. watching the Olympic Games on television
Correct Answer

Q9. There were ---- customers than anticipated.

  1. fewer
  2. less
Correct Answer

Q10. Find the synonym of the following word. ***** Important

  1. complex
  2. secondary
  3. detailed
  4. significant
Correct Answer

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