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Computer Question Bank
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Ms PowerPoint:on which part of the chart are the values entered in a data sheet displayed?
  1. The title area
  2. The legend
  3. The y-axis
  4. The x-axis

Q2. Ms Access: What type of control in a form can display data from database table?

  1. Bound control
  2. Unbound control
  3. Both of above
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q3. Which of the following is the allocation method of a disk space?

  1. Contiguous allocation
  2. Linked allocation
  3. Indexed allocation
  4. All of the Above
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms PowerPoint:How can you quickly reinstate a deleted footer placeholder in master view?

  1. Create a new slide master
  2. Re-apply the footer placeholder
  3. Re-apply the slide layout
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q5. What is Thrashing?

  1. A high paging activity is called thrashin
  2. A high executing activity is called thrashing
  3. A extremely long process is called thrashing
  4. A extremely long virtual memory is called thrashing
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms PowerPoint:to add a new row to a table you would

  1. click the insert rows command on the insert menu
  2. press the enter key
  3. click the insert rows button on the standard toolbar
  4. none of the above
Correct Answer

Q7. Who invented Mark I?

  1. Howard Aikin
  2. J. P. Eckert
  3. John Mauchley
  4. John v. Atanasoff
Correct Answer

Q8. Regarding a VDU, Which statement is more correct?

  1. It is an output device
  2. It is an input device
  3. It is a peripheral device
  4. It is hardware item
Correct Answer

Q9. A term associated with the comparison of processing speeds of different computer system is:

  1. EFTS
  2. MPG
  3. MIPS
  4. CPS
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Access: __________ is used to build ‘intuitive’ queries.

  1. SQL
  2. Xbase
  3. QBE
  4. XML
Correct Answer

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