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Computer Question Bank
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Ms Excel:The cell reference for cell range of G2 to M12 is _______
  1. G2.M12
  2. G2;M12
  3. G2:M12
  4. G2-M12

Q2. Ms Access: Which of the following statements does NOT hold true for the Top Values property?

  1. The Top Values property displays only the highest values from the query.
  2. The Top Values property requires the fields to have a defined sort order.
  3. The Top Values property finds a specified number of records.
  4. The Top Values property finds a specified percentage of records.
Correct Answer

Q3. What program runs first after computer is booted and loading GUI?

  1. Desktop Manager
  2. File Manager
  3. Windows Explorer
  4. Authentication
Correct Answer

Q4. A small part of taskbar that has icons of background running applications is

  1. Start button
  2. Quick launch
  3. Task bar
  4. System tray
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Excel:What is the short cut key to highlight the entire column?

  1. Ctrl+C
  2. Ctrl+Enter
  3. Ctrl+Page Up
  4. Ctrl+Space Bar
Correct Answer

Q6. The ….can be defined as the entire windows display and can be envisioned as the electronic equivalent of your own desk’s surface

  1. Desktop
  2. Windows
  3. Dialog box
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Access: Query design window has two parts. The upper part shows

  1. Name of fields, field type and size
  2. Tables with fields and relationships between tables
  3. Criteria
  4. Sorting check boxes
Correct Answer

Q8. Which of the following is correct in CIDR?

  1. Class A includes Class B network
  2. There are only two networks
  3. There are high & low class network
  4. There is no concept of class A, B, C networks
Correct Answer

Q9. Which components appear in the initial windows start up display?

  1. Dialog box
  2. Task bar
  3. Start menu
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Access: According to access help, what’s a good way to design a database?

  1. Start from data access pages and work backward
  2. Sketch the design of your database using a pencil and paper
  3. Use the table analyzer to reverse-engineer your flat source dat
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

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