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Computer Question Bank
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What do you type at the DOS command prompt to return back to Windows
  1. Command
  2. Exit
  3. Quit
  4. Return

Q2. Ms PowerPoint: Which of the following is not a way to cut ext?

  1. Select the text and press the delete button
  2. Select the text and select Edit, Cut from the menu
  3. Select the text and click the Cut button on the toolbar
  4. Select the text and press Ctrl + X
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Word: A _____ is a collection of predefined design elements and color schemes.

  1. feature
  2. hyperlink
  3. palette
  4. theme
Correct Answer

Q4. Which command displays only directory?

  1. Dir/aa
  2. Dir/od
  3. Dir/directory
  4. Dir/ad
Correct Answer

Q5. A computer consists of

  1. A central processing unit
  2. A memory
  3. Input and output unit
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q6. Time during which a job is processed by the computer is

  1. Delay times
  2. Real time
  3. Execution time
  4. Down time
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Access: What type of control in a form can display data from database table?

  1. Bound control
  2. Unbound control
  3. Both of above
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms Access: To create queries in access

  1. You can drag and drop fields on query builders
  2. You can type the sql command in sql view
  3. You can use query wizard or design view
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms PowerPoint:Which of the following should be used when you want to add a slide to an existing presentation?

  1. File, add a new slide
  2. Insert, New slide
  3. File Open
  4. File, New
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Access: Which is not an option for customizing a datasheet window?

  1. change one row\’s height
  2. hide one column
  3. change one column\’s width
  4. freeze one column
Correct Answer

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