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Computer Question Bank
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Ms PowerPoint:in the context of animations, what is a trigger?
  1. An action button that advances to the next slide
  2. An item on the slide that performs an action when clicked
  3. The name of a motion path
  4. All of above

Q2. Which is the most common computer keyboard layout?

  3. Devorak
  4. Colemark
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Excel:Getting data from a cell located in a different sheet is called….

  1. Accessing
  2. Referencing
  3. Updating
  4. Functioning
Correct Answer

Q4. Today’s computer giant IBM was earlier known by different name which was changes in 1924 What was that name?

  1. Tabulator Machine Co.
  2. Computing Tabulating Recording Co.
  3. The Tabulator Ltd.
  4. International Computer Ltd.
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Excel:MS-EXCEL is based on ……….?

  2. DOS
  3. UNIX
  4. OS/2
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Excel:What happens when you press Ctrl + X after selecting some cells in Excel?

  1. The cell content of selected cells disappear from cell and stored in clipboard
  2. The cells selected are marked for cutting
  3. The selected cells are deleted and the cells are shifted left
  4. The selected cells are deleted and cells are shifted up
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms PowerPoint:To adjust the width of table columns, you

  1. Click table menu. Column width, then make adjustments
  2. Drag the vertical gridline between two columns
  3. Drag the column markers on the table ruler bar
  4. b and c
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms Excel:In order to arrange the countries from those with the highest population to those with the lowest, you need to sort on the population field in ……………

  1. ascending order
  2. descending order
  3. alphabetical order
  4. random order
Correct Answer

Q9. UNIVAC was a first generation computer. What is its full form?

  1. Universal Automatic Computer
  2. Universal Array Computer
  3. Unique Automatic Computer
  4. Unvalued Automatic Computer
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms PowerPoint: PowerPoint can display data from which of the following add-in software of MS-Office

  1. Equation editor
  2. Organization chart
  3. Photo album
  4. All of these
Correct Answer

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