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If the organization claims it adheres to ISO 45001 it does not have to conform to required clauses and make it available to interested parties
  1. True
  2. False

Q2. The process of implementing and controlling planned temporary and permanent changes that impact OH&S performance is done under _______

  1. Change Control
  2. Management of Change
  3. Planned deviation
  4. Change Notification
Correct Answer

Q3. A Person or group of people that has its own functions, responsibilities, authorities, and relationship to achieve objectives is called __________

  1. Interested Party
  2. Customer
  3. Organization
  4. Supplier
Correct Answer

Q4. What clauses make up the Planning stage of PDCA cycle?

  1. Scope, Context of the organization, Leadership and workers participation, Planning, Support
  2. Planning, Support, Operations, Leadership and workers
  3. Context of the organization, Leadership and workers participation, Planning, Support
  4. Planning, Scope, Performance evaluation, support, Operations
Correct Answer

Q5. To ensure that EMS roles are established, and associated activities take place, _____ should become a part of each individual's job description.

  1. individual task strategies
  2. job-specific EMS responsibilities
  3. EMS goals and objectives
  4. each employee’s impact on EMS
Correct Answer

Q6. Evaluation of compliance is discussed in clause

  1. Clause 6.1
  2. Clause 7.1
  3. Clause 8.1
  4. Clause 9.1
Correct Answer

Q7. The most effective way to prevent hearing loss at work is to:

  1. Monitor your hearing loss over time with a routine hearing test
  2. Always wear ear protection everywhere you go
  3. Monitor noise levels through engineering and administrative controls to minimize overexposure
  4. None of the above
Correct Answer

Q8. You should not use a wedge if it has:

  1. Pointed head
  2. Triangular head
  3. Mushroomed head
  4. Flat head
Correct Answer

Q9. If the organization claims it adheres to ISO 45001 it does not have to conform to required clauses and make it available to interested parties

  1. True
  2. False
Correct Answer

Q10. Ammonia becomes an immediate danger to your life and health when it is present at the following level or greater:

  1. 100 ppm
  2. 200 ppm
  3. 300 ppm
  4. 400 ppm
Correct Answer

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