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Find the synonym of the following word. ***** Stubborn
  1. shy
  2. obstinate
  3. pliable
  4. yielding

Q2. I met her at yesterday’s party, but I ______ her by sight for years before that.

  1. had known
  2. have known
  3. will have known
  4. had been known
Correct Answer

Q3. Classical music isn't really Mary's cup of tea, so when I offered to take her to a concert of chamber music, she

  1. wasn't all that excited
  2. was really excited
  3. looked very exciting
Correct Answer

Q4. My Nigerian friend John is having trouble finding work here in London, but he says if push comes to shove he can always

  1. go back to Nigeria
  2. go to jail
  3. win the lottery
Correct Answer

Q5. Elephants are not really very savage animals, but occasionally they can be in a very bad temper. Their most dangerous habit at such moments is to pick up, with their trunk, a large stick or stone, and throw it with great force at someone standing nearby. When this happens the only thing anyone can do, is to jump quickly out of the way. ---------- When an elephant is in a bad temper _____.

  1. it may try to hurt someone.
  2. it moves its trunk from side to side.
  3. one shouldn’t throw stones at it.
  4. one should keep perfectly still.
  5. it never shows it.
Correct Answer

Q6. His doctor recommended that he ______ taking sleeping pills for a while.

  1. would try
  2. should try
  3. tries
  4. tried
Correct Answer

Q7. When there was a short ________ in the conversation, I asked if anyone would like anything to drink.

  1. fall
  2. blank
  3. wait
  4. pause
  5. place
Correct Answer

Q8. He broke his leg ______ he was skiing.

  1. as soon as
  2. after
  3. when
  4. before
Correct Answer

Q9. If you hide your ……… under a bushel, you are too modest to boast about your skills.

  1. beard
  2. looks
  3. light
  4. mind
Correct Answer

Q10. Find the synonym of the following word. ***** Overdue

  1. impending
  2. punctual
  3. prompt
  4. delayed
Correct Answer

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