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Elephants are not really very savage animals, but occasionally they can be in a very bad temper. Their most dangerous habit at such moments is to pick up, with their trunk, a large stick or stone, and throw it with great force at someone standing nearby. When this happens the only thing anyone can do, is to jump quickly out of the way. ---------- When an elephant is in a bad temper _____.
  1. it may try to hurt someone.
  2. it moves its trunk from side to side.
  3. one shouldn’t throw stones at it.
  4. one should keep perfectly still.
  5. it never shows it.

Q2. On entering the restaurant, I immediately realized _____ so popular.

  1. why was it
  2. how is it
  3. the fact that was
  4. why it was
Correct Answer

Q3. If you are over the moon,

  1. you become serious about something
  2. you are very pleased about something
  3. you are very angry with someone
Correct Answer

Q4. Find the synonym of the following words written in capitals. ***** It’s high time for the child TO GO TO BYE-BYES.

  1. to say good bye
  2. to play with toys
  3. to go to sleep
  4. to part with his parents
  5. to see his friends off
Correct Answer

Q5. We waited ______ the plane took off.

  1. as soon as
  2. when
  3. as
  4. until
Correct Answer

Q6. After a week camping, all our food supplies gave ______.

  1. down
  2. out
  3. in
Correct Answer

Q7. There is ‘no smoking’ sign in our library but ______.

  1. I never smoke there
  2. a lot of people ignore it
  3. nobody smokes
  4. everybody must obey this
Correct Answer

Q8. Never before in history have people been so aware of what is going on in the world. Television, newspapers and radio keep us continually informed and stimulate our interest. The sociologist’s interest in the world around him is intense, for society is his field of study. Indeed, he needs to know what is happening in society; he wants to know what makes the social world what it is, how it is organized, why it changes in the ways that it does. Such knowledge is valuable not only for those who make great decisions, but also for you, since this is the world in which you live and make your way. --------- The passage emphasizes that whatever goes on in the world today _____.

  1. is quickly forgotten by the majority.
  2. only concerns the sociologist.
  3. first makes the headlines in the press.
  4. is of great interest to everyone.
  5. can easily be ignored by people in power.
Correct Answer

Q9. The (abandoned) boat was found miles away from the shore; they never found out who had been on it.

  1. cherished
  2. deserted
  3. shabby
  4. austere
  5. unabashed
Correct Answer

Q10. On the day of my first piano recital, I became more and more nervous. To help me calm down, my piano teacher told me to place several cabbages in the room where I practiced. I was so eager to get over my nerves that I was willing to try anything. For the next few hours, I played to an audience of cabbages. When the time of the recital finally arrived, I was still terribly nervous. My hands felt like ice. When I finally walked across the stage, I looked out into the dark audience. I could not see anyone! All those people out there could just as easily have been cabbages. As I sat down to play, my hands relaxed. Before I knew it, I had played all my pieces without a mistake. For the first time, the cabbage heads applauded. --------- On the day of the recital the music teacher _____.

  1. advised the writer to put cabbages in the room where he practiced and play for them.
  2. warned the writer not to look at the audience.
  3. had no patience with the writer because he was nervous too.
  4. felt nearly as nervous about the recital as the writer did.
  5. couldn’t think of a way of helping the writer to stay calm.
Correct Answer

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