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English Question Bank
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The (abandoned) boat was found miles away from the shore; they never found out who had been on it.
  1. cherished
  2. deserted
  3. shabby
  4. austere
  5. unabashed

Q2. Find the synonym of the following words written in capitals. ***** Doctor Manson CURED a lot of miners that’s why he won great popularity and respect with them.

  1. treated
  2. recovered
  3. gave
  4. took
  5. rescued
Correct Answer

Q3. I know Keith worries about keeping up with the Joneses because he never

  1. wears clothes that show the brand
  2. goes out without putting on his Rolex
  3. notices how expensive someone's shoes are
Correct Answer

Q4. We'll put the project on the back burner because

  1. it's a terrible plan
  2. we've already tried it
  3. we're too busy just now
Correct Answer

Q5. Find the synonym of the following words written in capitals. ***** The professor’s INTRODUCTORY remarks concerned the development of culture in that region.

  1. preliminary
  2. final
  3. next
  4. supplementary
  5. useful
Correct Answer

Q6. Mr. Johnson was very particular about the arrangement of his classroom, so the thing he hated most was when his students caused a ruckus with their wild (horseplay).

  1. Mr. Johnson hated when his students pretended to be animals.
  2. Mr. Johnson hated when his students played sports.
  3. Mr. Johnson hated when his students wrestled around with each other
  4. Mr. Johnson hated when his students made animal noises.
Correct Answer

Q7. The researchers at the renowned UC Berkeley have a long history of (pushing the envelope) in regards to computer science.

  1. This means that these researchers have long followed behind others in the field.
  2. This means that these researchers have long led efforts in the field.
  3. This means that these researchers have kept up with trends in the field.
  4. This means that these researchers have long attempted to do away with paper record keeping.
Correct Answer

Q8. Find the synonym of the following words written in capitals. ***** The Vikings liked to make up long tales about their BRAVE deeds.

  1. timid
  2. fearless
  3. past
  4. strong
  5. stupid
Correct Answer

Q9. What’s the time? B: I’m sorry I ______. My watch ______.

  1. had felt
  2. didn’t know / stopped
  3. don’t know / has stopped
  4. don’t know / had stopped
Correct Answer

Q10. When I last talked to him, he ______ English.

  1. studies
  2. study
  3. was studying
  4. studied
Correct Answer

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