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English Question Bank
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The researchers at the renowned UC Berkeley have a long history of (pushing the envelope) in regards to computer science.
  1. This means that these researchers have long followed behind others in the field.
  2. This means that these researchers have long led efforts in the field.
  3. This means that these researchers have kept up with trends in the field.
  4. This means that these researchers have long attempted to do away with paper record keeping.

Q2. He must give us more time ________ we shall not be able to make a good Job of it.

  1. whether
  2. otherwise
  3. consequently
  4. therefore
  5. doubtless
Correct Answer

Q3. Some of the boys in the class used to take the ……… out of Alfie's speech impediment.

  1. hooray
  2. mickey
  3. cackle
  4. hampers
Correct Answer

Q4. When Jenny started working at the hospital, she rocked the boat by

  1. saying how well it was run
  2. questioning the way things were done
  3. doing her job quietly and not saying much
Correct Answer

Q5. There is ‘no smoking’ sign in our library but ______.

  1. I never smoke there
  2. a lot of people ignore it
  3. nobody smokes
  4. everybody must obey this
Correct Answer

Q6. Someone might say "each to their own" when they see or hear about something that they think is

  1. completely normal
  2. probably stolen
  3. a bit strange
Correct Answer

Q7. He ----- the picture on the wall.

  1. hanged
  2. hung
Correct Answer

Q8. My father told me to do my homework. My father said, “______”

  1. You do your homework
  2. You don’t do your homework
  3. I don’t do my homework
  4. Do your homework
Correct Answer

Q9. I’ll ______ in my car on the way to work.

  1. take you out
  2. bring you up
  3. let you off
  4. pick you up
Correct Answer

Q10. Find the synonym of the following word. ***** Stare

  1. peep
  2. pry
  3. gaze
  4. pause
Correct Answer

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