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English Question Bank
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Find the synonym of the following words written in capitals. ***** -Boxing was his PROFESSION, people came and paid money to see the fight.
  1. subject
  2. wish
  3. trade
  4. life

Q2. He is fat because he doesn’t take any exercise. If he ______ some exercise, he ______ so fat.

  1. took / won’t be
  2. will take / won’t be
  3. takes / wouldn’t be
  4. took / wouldn’t be
Correct Answer

Q3. She saw … when he arrived so late and didn't apologise.

  1. blood
  2. blue murder
  3. red
  4. red blood
Correct Answer

Q4. If you take something with a pinch of salt,

  1. you like your food to be salty
  2. you don't completely believe something because you think it's probably not true
  3. you think something might bring you bad luck
Correct Answer

Q5. My Nigerian friend John is having trouble finding work here in London, but he says if push comes to shove he can always

  1. go back to Nigeria
  2. go to jail
  3. win the lottery
Correct Answer

Q6. Find the synonym of the following word. ***** Stubborn

  1. shy
  2. obstinate
  3. pliable
  4. yielding
Correct Answer

Q7. I'd better make hay while the sun shines and do some work on my book

  1. while I have a bit of free time
  2. despite having so much else to do
  3. even though I don't feel like writing
Correct Answer

Q8. If you say to someone "You're so full of yourself!" they'll probably feel

  1. proud
  2. upset
  3. pleased
Correct Answer

Q9. The doctor examined me; however, ______.

  1. he found nothing wrong with me
  2. he prescribed some medicine
  3. I wasn’t feeling very well
  4. I was given an injection
Correct Answer

Q10. By the way, I’ve just heard that Sally and Chris have ______ their engagement.

  1. broken into
  2. broken down
  3. broken away
  4. broken up
Correct Answer

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